Is a Home Based Business Right for YOU Part-8?
A home based business also requires time for income to build, so don't quit your day job right away (unless, of course, you want to work nights)! You can start earning some income almost right away, but rest assured that 99.9% of the emails and web sites promising you instantaneous riches really mean that you are helping provide those riches to the upline that signed you on! They're not really as interested in getting you going, as much as they're interested in keeping themselves going.
Many of the get-rich-quick sites, eBooks, programs and sign-ups are just scams wanting your upfront $29.95 (or whatever they charge). They depend on your frustration later to cause you to quit. You see if they can get 10,000 - 20,000 - 100,000 people to sign on at $29.95 each, that's quite a chunk of change for them.